Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 8 EOC: What's special about my vodka?

What separates one's product from the other in today's market?  Does appearance or popularity give that product potential for success?  Or is it the hype from societies that builds the demand, giving the individual product value?  Not many take into consideration what different obstacles one must endure to deliver that special satisfaction.  In today's public eye, about 90% of judgement comes from appearance and is important when trying to make an impact on the consumer.  Appearance is also important when wanting a positive response, but having exotic and rare ingredients is what gives the consumer the experience and the commodities that are expected to be enriched within the product.  Ring of Glory does not fail to deliver an appearance the will captivate a consumer within a hundred feet radius.  The product's bottle is a unique design that resembles an astonishing volcanic structure that towers just over thirteen inches containing a liter of the exquisite vodka. Another great feature of the vodka is the six seashells from the six points of the "ring of fire" contained within the bottle to enhance the flavor and what will make a great souvenir after the vodka has been consumed, to give the consumer a satisfactional feeling of just having traveled across the world.  Amongst the great features of the product is the most notable which consists of six shot glasses which are known as the "shotgun shells" that are detachable and can be filled all at the same time, using the trigger that is located within the primary bottle.  So not only will the consumer taste exotic luxury but will experience a product like no other.

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